10 Ways to help you become a better person in 2023

(Part 2)

Become a better person in 2023. There are many ways to solve problems and navigate through in our lives. Some of us seem to handle thigs flawlessly and others not so well. This is part 2 of becoming a better person in 2023. Part 1 was posted on November 30, 2022. If you missed it check it out. This website ThinkingDeeplySelf-Critically.com is designed to help us all become the best version of ourselves by serving other. We all have a lens that we look through to make this happen. This article and Part 1 are about that lens which we filter the world.

This article depicts morally high level thinking and behaviors. The lens which we filter our world view through has no order. Additionally, you might even consider the lens and filter I’m talking about as our attitudes values and belief systems. Our lens/filter dictates our thinking, behaviors, and the way we feel.  

There are other ways to think, other lenses to look through, lens of a lower levels. This article will be discussing the lens and filters of high-level thinking that helps a person problem solve and navigate through life more easily. 

I posted an article on October 31, 2022 (Halloween) which explains lower moral thinking and behaviors that we need to avoid called Terrifying Thinking. There is another article that’s been posted called 10 ordinary thoughts that need to be challenged in 2023 that also might interest you. Part 1 and 2 of Becoming a better person in 2023 are articles that remind us of things we need to consider that help us become the best version of ourselves. My hope is that you’re able to take something from this article and make changes in your life and those around you.

1 Is mindful and receptive to the possibilities in front of us   

Being stuck in our ways is sometimes hard to see. A person who is mindful or practices mindfulness can step out of their own ways. They can consider endless possibilities of any give situation.  Furthermore, they consider what they are currently thinking is wrong or a misdiagnosis of what might be real. Being mindful and receptive to what happening in front of you can give you a feeling of humility and help you to see a much bigger picture.

Recommended author on Living in the moment and mindfulness “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.

2 Always consider and accept that you could be wrong  

Human behavior isn’t an exact science. Connecting with others isn’t about being right or wrong. You see this type of thinking (being right or wrong) in power-hungry people. When we consider we could be wrong about something it deflates our urge for power over others. Additionally, it really opens us up and allows us to move forward in the situation and in life. Acceptance is a profound word especially when we are trying to evaluate what we were doing, or thinking is wrong. I assure you if you take wright and wrong out of the equation of becoming the best version of you by serving other you can’t go wrong.

3 Takes time to understand the process  

People with a high moral compass take the time to understand the process. This is typically an internal assessments or calculations of what’s going on in the present moment. They do this by having an open mind and seeking clarity to build their competence on the situation. Moreover, they aren’t quick to judge. They know that asking questions and seeking a deeper understanding is vital to any process and only helps to serve others. Not only do they take time to understand the process, but they trust the processes that work for them. Lastly, through their assessment and calculations they can articulate productive changes in the process that may make it function more efficiently. At the same time, they are mindful and accepting that their ideas may not work.

4 Instills hope in others  

Those around us functioning at the highest moral level have a conscience awareness of the profoundness importance of instilling hope. We live in a state of nothingness or are stagnant without hope. Under the circumstances of hope the possibilities are endless. It might be just a kind word or letting someone know that your there for them or they have been through tougher things in their lives, and they will get through this. Whatever the case, instilling hope in others is an invaluable act of kindness that impacts not only the person involved but the world around us.

5 Discusses Ideas  

They don’t gossip, tell war stories, or focus on the problem. In all honesty, they add tidbits of what they believe will help. They discuss ideas and give solutions and ways to reach goals. Typically, they have more than just an idea but a way or direction. People who discuss ideas, their methods are focused on the best ways to serve not only the process in front of them but those around them. Again, they are aware their ideas may not be popular or even work and are willing to trash it for the better good.  They are flexible and see the value of offering suggestions over talking and stewing about in all the negativity.

6 Their bar of responding to other is set at excellence not perfection  

Having high level thinking and behaviors doesn’t mean your perfect by any means. What it does mean it that you have a sense of polish about you. You stand for what you believe is righteous and what does the least amount of harm to others. Striving for excellence is about doing the best you can in the circumstances you’re given. Furthermore, it’s having hope and confidence that things will improve even when you have no idea what you’re doing. Their responses are out of care, concern, and determination to be the best version of them no matter what adversity they are faced with. 

7 They understand that by not serving others is disrespectful  

We all are given opportunities each day to serve those around us. High moral thinkers look for those opportunities to help those in need. Furthermore, they don’t turn a blind eye, they respond. When we stand by and don’t serve other it’s disrespectful to them. This may sound harsh but when you think deeply about this you will find in your conclusion that it’s the truth. There are many opportunities that we don’t take advantage of but there are many that we do. It’s important to just be aware that there are always people in our lives that need help. Once your awareness has heightened to this action comes next. Look for people in your lives that need help and act. 

8 Works with others to accomplish healthy outcomes  

None of us can do it alone but not everyone can see this. Being a part of a much bigger community is a powerful method of help. When you think of a community, we are all just a small piece of something much bigger than ourselves. Becoming the best version of ourselves is about getting involved in something much larger than life. We need to work with other people to make bigger differences and have healthier outcomes in the lives and community around us.

9 Can be the example without holding grudges  

We might come across a time in our lives where we need to be the example for the greater good. This may not happen often but when it does it will be a great learning experience for us. We need to learn to embrace the hard moments in our life without holding grudges with others. Letting things go is a value of a servant to others and high-level thinkers. To take it a step further, a servant may not even consider personal attack as personal attacks or disrespect as disrespect. These people look for the opportunities for success or meaning in all situations no matter how detrimental others are to them. I want to be very clear this isn’t’ a weakness it’s a profound strength to rise above negativity in our lives.

 10 Is vulnerable and able to struggle through  

One of the most difficult things in life to do is being vulnerable to others.  There is great benefit in vulnerability. It’s where change takes place and where we can move from one place to the next in our lives. If vulnerability isn’t tough enough, high moral thinkers embrace the struggles they go through while being vulnerable. Struggles are inevitable in life but there are some struggles we can choose not to do. The reality is when we choose to struggle change happens. We aren’t the same as we were in the beginning of the struggle when we get to the end. After a struggle we get to have new life experiences to embrace. So, the next time you’re met with conflict in your life practice vulnerability and struggle through it. It will only benefit you for the good and it will help you become a better version of you. 

Recommended author and researcher on Vulnerability Brenee Brown.


2023 will come with many different challenges and successes for all of us. It’s important to begin the year with the right mind set. The above lens of thinking may help you do just that. Always push yourself to become the best version of you. This can be accomplished by Thinking Deeply Self-Critically. I appreciate the time you have spent reading my work and I hope something you read sticks with you. If you have enjoyed what you have read don’t forget to check out Part 1.

If you like what you have read, check out other articles on the website ThinkingDeeplySelf-Critically.com the site is designed to give us tools and techniques to help us become the best version of ourselves. There are four main categories on the site. The Foundation, Our Responsibility to Us, Our Responsibility to Others and Facilitating Crisis. We can also be found on Pinterest.

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