10 Ways to help you become a better person in 2023

There are many ways to become a better person in 2023. Furthermore, by doing this you will begin to solve problems and navigate through life with more ease. Some of us seem to handle things flawlessly and other not so well. There is a certain lens we can look through which filters the way we look at the world and makes problems easier to solve and navigation smoother. Furthermore, this lens is also the same lens which makes us become a better version of ourselves. The following is the lens that consists of higher-level thinking. This thinking that’s going to be discussed pertains to human behavior and becoming a better person. 

This lens which we filter our world view through has no order. Additionally, you might even consider the lens and filter I’m talking about our attitudes values and belief systems. This lens/filter dictates our thinking, behaviors, and the way we feel.  

There are other ways to think, other lenses to look through, lens of a lower and average levels. This article will be discussing the lens and filters of high-level thinking that helps a person problem solve and navigate through life more easily. Lastly by adopting or by simply considering them will help you become a better person in 2023.

1 Serves others 

Imagine what life would look like for everyone if this is how we all viewed the world. What if we all saw the world through constantly providing help and service to those around us? This is one of the fundamental pieces of becoming the best version of ourselves. This is defiantly one of the most profound high-level thoughts and actions we can have.  

2 Understand who decides the relationship 

As deep as this might seem it’s vital to understand the health of any relationship is decided through the other person eyes. If people in our lives think of feel the relationship with us is damaged, it is. This only really needs to be considered if we are truly trying to become the best version of ourselves. Furthermore, if we are truly thinking deeply self-critically about it then we can begin to fathom the depth of this concept.  It’s our job to always cultivate the relationships around us.

3 Always strives to cultivate meaningful relationships 

A quote I think about all the time is “Our responsibility to others it to always take responsibility for ourselves.” One way we do this is by evaluating how we are impacting others. By looking at how we affect others and progressively attempting to fix our wrongs we can begin the strengthening meaningful relationships. Strong relationships take time and momentum to cultivate that’s why in every situation it’s always important to strive for that connection. No matter how small you think the action may be take it if it’s going to make things a little better. Those small steps add up. 

4 Has purposeful interactions

Meaningful relationships aren’t typically about sitting around shooting the breeze. They are about much deep conversation and understanding. They are about seeking clarity building competence about each other and having compassion for each’s circumstance. Purposeful interactions can help us to bridge missing gaps with each other. Asking questions and seeking clarity are a large part of purposeful interactions. Seeking deeper meaning from each other is vital to building long lasting relationships.   

5 Understand the profound impact you have on others   

High level thinking is no doubt about evaluating how what we think and do has a profound impact on each other. It’s easy to damage connections with those in our lives. Furthermore, it takes us swallowing pride to make things right. Using the word damage has profound meaning. We will never know the depth of what we can do. Therefore, we should always do our best to minimize harm any opportunity that we have. Lastly, if we begin to realize or gain awareness during self-reflection that we are causing harm we need to fix it immediately. 

6 Always moves to balance and right amount of energy

Becoming the best version of ourselves is all about finding the right amount of balance and energy in all situations. We always need to be moving away from our natural passiveness or aggressive. Additionally, we need to find the energy that works in each situation. There are many characteristics of balance that we should strive for; Calmness, assertiveness, collected, reactive (not over or under reactive), clear, consistent, and predictable to name a few. Moving to balance gets easier once you figure it out. It also creates trust and comfort for those around you in ways you probably never thought possible.  

7 Seeks clarity to gain competence   

Seeking clarity is huge if you want to gain competence about anything in our lives.  True competence can only be present if we have done all the groundwork of seeking clarity. Becoming the best version of ourselves is constantly seeking clarity. Whenever there is a condition of anxiety, frustration, anger, or some other feeling hinders us, there is typically a lack of clarity. We always need to return to clarity when things aren’t going as planned. If we introduce this concept into our lives, we will not doubt begin to gain deeper understanding of competence in our lives and lives of others.  

8 Understands with competence, comes compassion   

Once we have sought clarity to build competence, we begin to gain compassion that is no longer trivial.  When we feel compassion for a situation we tend to understand the depth and the magnitude of what is really going on. Furthermore, compassion mean a person is more emotionally in tune to what they are seeing, hearing or feeling about a situation through knowledge and understanding. This comes from a person’s competence and seeking clarity. Having compassion is more of a process that we may think. Some of us are good at this while others of us may struggle.

9 Always strives to look through the lens of compassion no matter what the situation   

So, once we understand compassion it’s important to always look through the lens of compassion. This will no doubt make you a better version of yourself. We need to put ourselves in others shoes. Practicing this at a healthy level will open our eyes to new possibilities about our own behaviors and thoughts. There is a concept called compassion fatigue where we give too much of ourselves to others that it’s unhealthy for us. This is why we always need to find a healthy balance with ourselves with any of the techniques you read about. Personal self-care is important.

10 Does right by people by minimizing harm always   

We always need to minimize harm. The old saying is “Do no harm” which is tough to live up to. We should try anyways. Most of time, we only minimize harm with those around us because we don’t typically know the complexity of their situations. No matter what we need to find the wisdom to always do right by those around us. Make decisions out of mindfulness, clarity, competence and compassion. Lastly, we always need to create conditions for people to be successful while instilling hope in them.


2023 will come with many different challenges and successes for all of us. It’s important to begin the year with the right mind set. The above lens of thinking will help you do just that. Always push yourself to become the best version of you. This can be accomplished by Thinking Deeply Self-Critically. I appreciate the time you have spent reading my work and I hope something you read sticks with you.

If you like what you have read, check out other articles on the website ThinkingDeeplySelf-Critically.com the site is designed to give us tools and techniques to help us become the best version of ourselves. There are four main categories on the site. The Foundation, Our Responsibility to Us, Our Responsibility to Others and Facilitating Crisis. We can also be found on Pinterest.

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