4 Reasons to trust the process in 2023  

You many have heard trust the process in your lifetime. It often goes without saying; sometimes it’s unclear what the process even is. So, if we don’t understand the process then how in the world will we be able to trust it?  Trusting the process is a surface level blanket statement which is used when we or someone may not completely know all the answers to a problem. Saying “Trust the Process” reinforces the way something is done. Typically, it might be the best way something is done. So, it’s time to start trusting the process in 2023.

Throughout this upcoming year you may take on new adventures which will all come with multiple processes. Whether it be a new hobby, furthering your education, buying a new product, getting new job and so on each adventure has its own way of accomplishing a goal. Some processes are old which have stood the test of time while others are new in development and are showing great outcomes. Regardless of new or old if the process has shown reliability and there is not current better way then we should consider trusting it.  

The process is really about taking steps to accomplish a favorable outcome and the efficiency of how to get to the end. Let’s take a recipe for example. Typically, we follow a recipe to get the outcome we want with food we are making. We may add our own style and twist to it but there is still a process to follow. The process consists of a proven foundation which has worked repeatedly overtime with success.  

Another example: this upcoming year you may consider doing better with your finances. There are many processes out there that will help you come closer to our financial goals. You simply need to research them to see which one works for you then start to follow the steps. One of the oldest financial plans and is standing the test of times for many hundreds of thousands of people maybe even millions is Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps. This process is simple to understand and very easy to follow.  

The last example, maybe you want to start becoming healthier in a physical sense. Again, you would start to research ways to do such a thing. Eventually you would realize that diet and exercise is the way you want to go. This would consist of two different processes; one for a diet that you choose and the other for an exercise routine.  

All of the examples may seem simple on the surface by can be complex. Furthermore, complex especially in terms of the word “Trust” Sometimes to trust the process we must put our old ways down. Letting go of our old ways and old agenda is probably the toughest part about trusting a new process.  If we want to see lasting change, we must win the war between our ears pushing us back to our old ways.  

It’s also helpful if we wright out our process in a list or maybe even on a calendar. There is just something that brings it to life when we get it out of our head and put it on paper.  You might even consider setting constant re-occurring events/reminders on your phone. Either way may prove to be helpful.

So, let’s get to it. The following are reasons why we should all “Trust the Process” in the upcoming year and for years to come.   

1 Sticking to the process will get results.  

When a person puts their trust in a process that already exists, they will get results. Depending on the adventure the outcomes may vary but you will no doubt have results. All you must do is commit to the process and see it through from beginning to end. Some processes take time and momentum to build but success will happen if you stick with it.  

2 The process gives direction.  

The process gives us direction. It’s as simple as that. A process is like step by set instructions. All you must do is take each step and you will get to the next place in the process. It’s literally a road map to success. “If you do this, then this will happen.” Lastly, and I can’t state this enough we have to get out of our own way. We must put our agenda to the side. 

3 There is little to no guess work.  

Preparation is important in all that we do. When it comes to trusting the process and all the leg work, we only really need to understand what the process is.  Everything else comes easy once we master the steps of the process. When we find processes that work for us, we owe it to ourselves to keep working it until something better comes along.   

4 Trusting the process helps build confidence.  

Imagine taking a long road trip or a several days hike in the woods this day and age without some sort of GPS. When we have a GPS or road map life is easier. When life is easier, we know what direction we are going there is less stress. As a result, we have more confidence. Confidence tells us we don’t have to worry about solving problems there is already an answer inside the process.  Our time is valuable and if we have confidence in our lives by trusting different processes, we don’t have to spend our time trying to figure things out. All we must do is simply look toward the process for answer with confidence knowing we are on the right track.   


There really isn’t much too trusting the process. There is no since drawing this out. When we figure out the process and begin trusting it things get done. Life is easier and less complicated with processes. The biggest challenges are letting our old self and ways go when we enter new processes. Our old agendas only hinder new processes and our opportunities and possibilities of being successful. So, I encourage you to us all to trust the process in 2023.

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