6 Reasons living in the moment will be beneficial to your mental health in 2023

Living in the moment in 2023: Have you ever wondered why you are stressed, depressed, had anxiety or some other icky feeling or condition you couldn’t shake. There are many different ways to explain this. In this article we will be discussing some of the cognitive behavior ways to combat some of these feelings. When we discuss cognitive behavioral it’s in the sense that changing our thoughts and behaviors might have an impact on the way in which we feel about a situation in our lives.

There are many different reasons living in the moment is beneficial to your mental health. Issues with mental health tend to be on the rise. It leads on one untouched. Whether you’re suffering yourself or someone you know is struggling. The following are areas of consideration that can help at a cognitive level. Additionally, they may be things that will help raise your awareness. You might even consider them ways to help you connect the dots in your own mind about what you need to do next.  You might find yourself getting some temporary relief or results that last much longer. Our mental health is complicated and as humans it impacts each of us in our own ways because we are each so different.

It’s always important to do the normal things (the cliché things) like good get a good night sleep, eat healthy diets (like the Mediterranean, Keto diet or Intermittent Fasting), and get plenty of exercise (Running, Walking or Cycling) and so on. Let’s say you’re doing all of that or maybe you’re not. From a cognitive level it’s about trying to win the war between your ears. We have to fight for change in our life. Cognitively, it’s a battle that takes most of us off our game sometimes many different times a day. The hope is that this article will give you some awareness so you can begin battling the war between your ears. Its reasons living in the moment will benefit your mental health in 2023.

1 Will help fight anxiety and depression

Depression can be a result of a condition from our past. Whereas Anxiety might be a result of a condition not yet created from our future. Furthermore, this may not be the case at all.  When considering anxiety and depression in the sense of past and present can help you identify some of the “why.” “Why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling.” Focusing on the moment or the here and now (instead of past and present) can help combat both Anxiousness and Depression.

In the present moment we can free ourselves from these unpleasant feelings. We can do this by purposeful thinking and behaviors. One way is bringing ourselves to the current moment and realize or become aware of the minimal worries in that particular moment. If we can ground ourselves in the current moment, there is no worry. This takes a good deal of practice, self-convincing and patients. Lastly, it takes some deep thinking and believing this is real.  

There are many techniques that can help bring you to the moment such as mindfulness and meditation. There is also a ton of research and resources that can help you understand the importance of bring yourself to the present. One book that comes to mind is the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle can also help you understand the importance.

2 It’s where change cultivates

Berne Brown a Ph.D. in Social Work has studied courage and vulnerability throughout her career. In summary; “having the vulnerability and the courage in the moment is a birthplace of change.” By bringing ourselves to the moment and having the courage to be vulnerable it will no doubt lead us opportunities we never thought possible. In the moment our mental health can be challenged. We can use things like positive self-talk and deep breathing to get a grip on what is taking place in our minds. In the moment we teach ourselves to slow down and find our awareness. Additionally, we can begin to control our view of what’s going on around us.

3 It’s what you have control over

In the moment is where we are in control of what happens next in our lives. When we are grounded in the present we can begin to critically think and begin embracing emotions that give us drive to make productive decisions for our lives. Often time we get into a thought process that we have control of others but this couldn’t be further from the truth. We only have control of us our thought, behaviors and emotions. In the moment we can do really good self-reflections about how we are impacting those around us.

Sometimes our mental state gives us false conceptions of control. It’s easy to bring others into the equation which is where it gets icky and distorted. When we use the phrase “It’s what you have control over” it’s also about what and who we are responsible for. The answer to this is simple it’s us, and only us. Again, it’s our thinking emotions and behaviors which take us into the next moment of our lives.

4 Its where your best thoughts generate

The here and the now is where we do our best thinking. When we set and let our minds drift to the past and the future we begin to fantasize and reminisce. In the moment is where we make decisions that impact our lives and the lives of those around us. Furthermore, it’s where our most profound thoughts are created. It’s also where we make the most connections in our thinking. Bringing ourselves to the present moment allows us to not only have our best thought but it’s a place where we begin to build momentum from those thoughts. Building momentum is a key to sustainable change which will overall help our mental health.

5 It’s where you experience life

Life took place in our past. It’s going to take place in our future. Most of all it’s taking place right now. This moment is what we need to embrace. It’s where we need to live. Each little experience makes up who we are and sometimes we miss them. Time waits for no one and our time is now. Every one of us is unique and gets to live our own lives. Dwelling on the past or the future takes us away from our experience right now. When our mental health is impacted because of what happened in our past or we assume the worst about our future we may miss out on opportunities in our lives right in front of us.

6 It’s where you make life changing decisions.

Nowhere else do we make changes in our lives but in the moment. The moment is where we can take our life on a new course or continue down the road we are already on. This is where momentum starts, and where it finishes.  It’s where we decide to start a new career, propose to our significant other, begin further education, have a child, bring a new pet into our homes, start eating healthy or start sticking to our budget. Lastly, the moment is a powerful place and the most important decisions of our life start with one. 


In the moment is where the most profound experiences of life take place. It’s where we are born and where we die. Every second of our life is a new opportunity to live in the moment and to the fullest. Furthermore, every second is a new chance to try something different that will help our mental health and challenge our old self.

If you like what you have read, check out other articles on the website ThinkingDeeplySelf-Critically.com the site is designed to give us tools and techniques to help us become the best version of ourselves. There are four main categories on the site. The Foundation, Our Responsibility to Us, Our Responsibility to Others and Facilitating Crisis. We can also be found on Pinterest.

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