13 Terrifying Thought Patterns that Do Harm 

There is thinking that is counterproductive to our lives. Furthermore, some of us get caught in patterns of this thinking and can’t find a way out. Terrifying thinking is a pattern of antisocial thoughts that create barriers and keep people in our lives at a distance. This type of thinking is toxic and creates negative ripples in our lives and the lives of those around us.  

This thinking isn’t only terrifying, but it can be downright scary, frightening and even creepy.  


The ripples of these thoughts and patterns of thinking go far and can be deeply rooted in a person and even a family (they can be generational). The idea is to gain awareness of them, gain control of them and recover from them. Becoming the best version of ourselves is important work that we are all responsible for. Challenging these thought and patterns will assist us to be a better person. Above all changing them will create conditions for those around us to feel safe.  

The following is a list of terrifying thinking patterns that we might see in people. The idea of this article isn’t to judge but to raise awareness so we can identify them and help whenever we can.

Keep an eye out for the ghost and goblins this Halloween. Arlo Cameras are what our family uses to keep watch when we are home and away.

1 Believes they’re number one. 

Thinking and believing that your number one puts everyone in your life in second place. Thinking this lets you trample over everyone in your life no matter who it is.  

2 Put responsibilities on others. 

Always pointing the finger is a frightening pattern of thinking. Never owning or taking responsibility is the result of this type of thinking. People with this type of thinking believe they don’t need to take responsibility and you will probably never hear it come from their mouths.

3 Never give support. 

Support is nonexistent in this type of thinking pattern. They are people that take all the credit when something good happens and is nowhere to be found when something bad happens.  Encouragement isn’t in this person’s vocabulary.

4 Manipulates all the time. 

This type of thinking can be creepy. The person attempts to always get what they want. It doesn’t matter who you are they will stomp over you.  This is a strategic game to completely disown responsibility any opportunity it gets. 

5 Pessimistic, has nothing positive to say. 

Always negative, they never have anything good to say about anyone, place, or situation. They will drain the life out of you and the place they enter.  

6 Uses tactics to avoid all responsibility. 

This pattern of thinking will use every tool in the toolbox to disown responsibility. Furthermore, if one tool doesn’t work, they will keep grabbing tools until they are satisfied with the outcome that puts them on top. 

7 Gossips about others nonstop. 

A person with this through process will talk all day long about other people and their problems. Don’t be fooled when they talk it’s not nice. They are good at setting people against each other and walking away like a martyr or a savior.   

8 Never apologizes.  

Don’t ever expect an apology it will never happen with this individual. This type of pattern has no use for apologies it doesn’t fit into who they are. Apologies are for the weak not for some who believes they are number one. 

9 They judge others. 

Others have no say when it comes to decision making. They are quick to come up with a harsh verdict that does harm. What they say is the truth and no one else opinion thought or ideas matter. Others input doesn’t even make a dent into the judge’s thoughts.  

10 Selective hearing. 

They are in their own tunnel. Nothing out of the tunnel matters. They not only hear but see what they want to. They only interpret life in through their own distorted views. 

11 Does things for their own benefit.  

The decisions they make only benefit them. No one else matters. Again, believing they are number one does this to a person. They can only live life for personal gain. 

12 Never admit when they are wrong. 

This type of thinking pattern would never consider its wrong let alone admit to any wrongdoing or shortcomings. They are right and everyone else needs to just accept it and get over it.  

13 Go the extra mile to prove their point. 

They don’t just want everyone to accept it and get over it. They will make it their mission to prove the point and gloat about it to everyone else. This pattern of thinking has endurance that supports proving their point.  

Air Tag your kids this trick or treat this will give you piece of mind.


People can change and become a better person often time people become stuck in a cycle which allows this negative “terrifying” thinking to continue. We have a responsibility to ourselves to continue being responsible when we are in the midst of a person with this kind of thinking. Furthermore, we can’t allow another person to define our character. Lastly, we always need to take the high road and rise above.

I appreciate the time you have given me; I hope you read something today that sticks with you and will help you or someone else in the future.

I have also more recently (after this post) put out an article on Average Level Thinking and Becoming a Better Person in 2023 Part 1 and Part 2 which breaks down High Level Thought Patterns.

If you like what you have read, check out other articles on the website ThinkingDeeplySelf-Critically.com the site is designed to give us tools and techniques to help us become the best version of ourselves. There are four main categories on the site. The Foundation, Our Responsibility to Us, Our Responsibility to Others and Facilitating Crisis. We can also be found on Pinterest.

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