Average Level Thought Patterns

Becoming the best version of ourselves is tough work. It takes quite a bit of challenging our views of the world along with our thoughts. The following article is 10 ordinary thoughts we must challenge. They are average level thoughts that prevent us from movement in our lives. Furthermore, average level thoughts will hurt others in our lives.

If we ever want change in our lives, we must constantly think about our thinking and evaluate if it’s working for us. Change takes a ton of different tools such as Mindfulness, Clarity, Momentum, and Balance if we want to win the war between our ears. Most of all, it truly takes us challenging our old selves. It’s a fight that can be constant in our lives until we build enough momentum to break free of our old habits.

There is always a higher level or way of thinking about situations in our lives. We can always look back in life and think about what improvements we needed to make about our lives. None the less, the past is the past and we can always learn to leave it there and learn as we go. Effectively making improvements in our future really means changing the way we are looking at what happened in our past and what decisions we are going to make right now.

There are many different thoughts that tend to get us in trouble the following is a list of the most common thoughts that prevent us from change. They are 10 ordinary thoughts we must change.

1 Talk about situations and never consider improvements

If you want to spin your wheels there is no better way to do that than just talk to talk about problems and never consider fixing them. Without thinking about solutions or improvements you’re waiting your time. Life isn’t only about venting our thoughts and feelings at some point we need to stop and move on. Moving on is considering where we came from and where we want to go.

2 Not much action or too much of the wrong action 

It seems that some people tend to want to sit in turmoil and not act. Furthermore, when they do act, they constantly take what appears to be the wrong actions. Actions which may lead them back to turmoil. They never break the cycle of thinking that continues to lead them to crisis or a dark place.

3 Talks “for” or “to” others not “with” others 

A pitfall we all fall in from time to time is we think we know what is best for someone. Come to find out later we couldn’t have been further from the truth. Early on in life we have a tendency to work “to” or “for” a person. This pattern of thinking is very difficult to change due to our need to control.  A much deeper level of thinking is working “with” a person. Working “to” or “for” may fill our needs but it does little for the other person. Working “with” is a partnership and togetherness it also helps build deeper and more meaningful relationships.

4 Passive or aggressive difficulty finding balance 

By nature, we are either passive or aggressive. If we never think about it, we stay the way we are throughout life. When we begin to think about it, we can change. The idea is to consider a scale where passive is on one side and aggressive is on the other side. No matter what side we are on we need to push ourselves toward balance.

5 Does enough to get by  

I think we have all been there, just doing enough to get by. This typically happens because of what we value and probably our energy level at the time. The things we value are the things we put most of our effort into. If we can challenge this thought and suffer through the results are always unexpected. The results are unexpected, because we really can’t predict the future outcome. The challenge is that we try and suffer more and more this will help us accomplish our goals in 2023 and their after.

6 Don’t care one way or another 

We can get in the mindset of wishy washy and apathy. It’s important to have an opinion in most cases. Or at least be involved especially with decisions that impact our lives. Taking a stand and making some noise isn’t always the best answer but it can be done without being hurtful and victimizing too other. It’s like that old saying stand for something of fall for anything. So, lead your life into your future unless you want other to lead if for you. Taking charge of yourself is vital if you want to become the best version of you.

7 Sees problems has difficulty solving them 

Taking action is a series of trial and error. If we never take a risk, we never succeed at what we want to accomplish. Average level thoughts or thinkers can see the problems but never allow themselves to be vulnerable. As author and researcher Berne Brown states “Vulnerability it the birthplace of change an innovation.” If we never take a chance on us, we never know what we are capable of. Vulnerability is also about being willing to give up everything and expect nothing in return. Solving problems can be humbling and feel good when we care less about the mistakes we might make and how it might make us look to others.

8 Overly dependent on others to make decision 

Average level thinkers allow others to dictate their lives sometimes to the point where they completely give up their control. This can lead to many maladaptive (unhealthy) behaviors if we aren’t careful. Relationships are a partnership. Furthermore, they need to be built together and they take a lot of work from both people. This particular point can go both ways. The giver and the receiver, someone who makes all the decisions is also an average level thinker. A giver has a potential for enabling and other harmful behaviors. So we not only need to allow others to make decisions we shouldn’t get in a habit of making decisions for other.

9 Their bar is mediocre  

A person with high moral thinking processes or patterns strives for a bar of excellence. Even though, they may never reach it and understand this deeply. They still strive to do much better than the current best version of themselves. A person with average level thinking lacks ambition to strive for a better self. If we want to see change, we must challenge mediocracy in our lives. 2023 will be filled with challenges that can be great opportunity to all of us. Lastly, we will miss those opportunities if we look through a lens of mediocracy.

10. Don’t always consider how their actions hurt other 

Some of the most powerful changes in our lives will come at the expense of us and not others. We need to minimize harm any chance we get. Average level thinkers have difficulty thinking about how their actions are hurting people in their lives. This is not to say don’t think about it from time to time but it’s not a pattern of thinking or a strong value. Typically, it’s only surface and most of the time the thought is really to benefit them and not the other person.


In 2023 I challenge all of us to become the best version of ourselves. This happens by building meaningful relationships with those around us. We can accomplish this by working on our average thinking and our ordinary thoughts. Coming in the next couple of weeks I will be putting out an article or two on higher moral thinking. The thoughts we should strive for in 2023 and thereafter.  

If you like what you have read, check out other articles on the website ThinkingDeeplySelf-Critically.com the site is designed to give us tools and techniques to help us become the best version of ourselves. There are four main categories on the site. The Foundation, Our Responsibility to Us, Our Responsibility to Others and Facilitating Crisis. We can also be found on Pinterest.

On Halloween 2022 I put an article on Terrifying Thinking this is low-level thinking patterns we need challenge. Above all, they are victimizing and harm others.

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