4 Reasons Why We Need Clarity in Our Lives

There are 4 important reasons why we need clarity in our lives. Often throughout life, we are faced with unsettling feelings such as tension, frustration, anger, fear, doubt, and so on. When these feelings arise, cognitively we are typically missing something. Something we haven’t thought of or considered yet might be influencing the way we feel. It’s human nature to feel what we feel. However, we can change those unpleasant feelings just by adding more clarity to the situation or beginning to think about different outcomes or possibilities of the given situation. When we are open minds and begin to gather more information, our results and our feelings will likely change. The unpleasant feelings might not go away quickly but they will change over time.

When we seek more clarity and get more answers to the problem situation in front of us, we begin to encounter more closure or resolution. So, it’s always important to seek clarity when something isn’t feeling right or going right in our lives. If the situation continues to not feel right, just keep in mind that something is most likely missing in your thoughts. We haven’t connected all the dots yet. Always go back to seeking clarity, always.

Clarity has many positive benefits to the process of helping us become better people. Constantly seeking clarity in situations, will help cultivate competence. The more clarity we have the bigger the picture we can see. As we practice clarity in our lives it will lead to more meaningful relationships. Lastly, when we have more clarity of a situation, we can truly experience compassion for the situation.

1 Clarity will help you cultivate competence.

Often when we don’t have our thought together it’s typically because we know less about what is going on. We need to figure out more. Asking questions, sometimes multiple questions get us caught up on what we have are missing. Asking questions raises our awareness of what is real at the moment and helps us begin to eliminate what is subjective or not real. At the same time when we begin to see the real, we also begin to cultivate competence about the situation. We become more of an expert at what we are experiencing. When we become more of an expert on the experience, we will be able to make better decisions and ultimately do less harm. Furthermore, if we become more of an expert in the situation, we need to be humble about it. When we start to become the best version of ourselves it’s paramount to not harm.

2 Clarity will help you see a bigger picture.

Being in the counseling field we are taught to look for the bigger picture and evaluate the process. Moreover, not get caught up necessarily in the smaller situation. Every small situation adds up to a much bigger picture, but one situation doesn’t define who a person is. We have all had some type of trauma in our lives some much more intense than others. Bad situations can change our reality for the good or the bad. Sometimes people make the same mistakes over and over again and need help breaking the cycle. We need help breaking our cycles. Seeking clarity will help us do just that. We can challenge our normal by introducing more information. Asking questions takes us to a new place in our thinking, and behaviors and ultimately impacts the way we feel about situations. With clarity, we begin to see the bigger picture, and we can help ourselves and other reach a more favorable outcome.

3 Clarity presents the opportunity to have meaningful relationships.

When clarity is put into the equation situations and connections with others gain depth. Clarity puts the pieces together that are missing or out of place. Our communication improves immensely with clarity thus helping us make more profound connections thus improving the overall relationship. Sometimes situations and relationships break or stop gaining momentum because of emotions, disagreements, conflicting values, or other problems. Seeking clarity helps people move past those particular barriers.
Relationships are two-sided so even if conflict on the other side still arises you will be able to relax. In other words, you can find a slightly better piece of mind knowing that you have done your part by seeking clarity and making the most responsible decisions you can at the time. Relationships are complicated that’s why it’s so important to not get stuck in the moment but strive to have a better future you can do that by constantly seeking and always going back to clarity when problems arise. Long-lasting relationships are still vital in this digital world. Lastly. take the opportunities to seek clarity as you navigate through your life. It will without a doubt bring more depth and meaning to them over time.

4 Compassion is the result of clarity.

Last but not least, it’s extremely important to understand when you seek the clarity you will gain compassion. Compassion is the result of clarity, competence, seeing the big picture, and the creation of meaningful relationships. When we have a deeper understanding, see a more holistic view of what is in front of us, and are truly able to see things through another person’s eyes or from another viewpoint, we begin to develop compassion. We can’t see everything, and we will never understand everything, but we will be much closer to wisdom and a deeper understanding of the events and persons involved.
When we finally get to compassion, we will do less harm in future decision-making. In the process of seeking clarity, your mind will take a shift that you will not expect or even see until after. In this shift, we need to be open to the possibilities in front of us. If we do this compassion will take over and we will see things in a more realistic light than we have ever seen. Even in the most complicated and tragic situations in your life, there is always a different way of looking at them. I know tragic and complicated may not go with compassion but if you think that you have already ruled out the possibility. You have closed your mind. I challenge you to open your mind back up and by truly doing so you will eventually see. With compassion comes better future outcomes and deeper meaningful relationships.


Constantly seeking clarity when things in our lives have gone astray will no doubt bring us back on track. It will allow us to gain competence that we didn’t have before. It will help us to see the big picture that we didn’t see before. It will make our relationships more meaningful and as a result of clarity, you will begin to develop true compassion for whatever is in front of you in your life whether it’s a person or a situation. So, whenever there is conflict in your life always seek clarity. If there is still conflict always go back to seeking clarity again. You can’t go wrong if you invite this concept into your world view it will become a little clearer.

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