The Foundation of

This website, and is based on articles that help us reflect on ourselves and help us become the best version of ourselves. Furthermore, it breaks down extremely important and profound areas of self-reflection. Becoming the best version of ourselves is complicated work. There are depths that we may never reach, but there are several things that help us get there.

Because every building and bridge must start with a sturdy Foundation.

The Foundation is broken down into several different pieces. Those pieces are the fundamentals of this website. Clarity, Creating Conditions, Mindfulness, Instilling Hope, Minimizing Harm, and Developing Meaningful Relationships. These areas contribute to everything else you will read on the site.

So, let’s begin the breakdown.

Why Clarity is so important.

No matter what the circumstances we should always seek clarity. Clarity does several things. First and foremost, by seeking clarity we begin to build our competence in a situation. Secondly, once we gain competence in a situation, we then begin to internally and externally cultivate compassion. Applying clarity gives us a more profound understanding of any given situation.

Why we need Mindfulness in our relationships.

The way mindfulness is used on this site is as follows; it’s considering the possibilities of what you’re thinking right now in this moment or wrong. Believing that we are wrong about situations allows us to open our minds to a vast new number of possibilities. It takes us out of the box, with which we typically view our world. Lastly, it allows us to see the world through someone else’s lens.

Creating Conditions is vital to connecting with others.

Each and every one of us creates conditions. The conditions we create tell others in our lives, who we are. Conditions that we create may be good, bad, or neutral. Conditions can be created even before we meet someone new. This occurs by word of mouth from others the conditions that we create tell the world a lot about our character. The conditions that we create define who we are.

Instilling Hope can empower those in our lives.

Imagine going through life and having people route you on. Becoming the best version of ourselves takes instilling hope and other people. Be their cheerleader and the light that says things will get better for you in the future. Lastly, it’s about creating conditions in situations that empower people.

Minimizing Harm is an important fundamental in any relationship.

When connecting with people we can only hope that we minimize harm. The essence of life is serving others not hurting them. We may never be able to fully do no harm but we should do our absolute best to reduce it any chance we get.

Developing Meaningful Relationships are important to everyone’s well-being.

We are all interconnected and by that, we have responsibilities to one another. You may have seen the picture on the home page of this website. It’s a picture of me holding my newborn son. I thought about the quote in the picture many years ago while working in the helping field. It’s one of the simplest fundamentals of living right and serving others in our lives. “My responsibility to you is to take responsibility for myself.” When it comes to relationships all I have to do is to take responsibility for me.

Now it may sound simple on the surface but if you think about it there are many layers. Profound layers. It completely puts our thinking and actions back on us. We are responsible for every one of our thoughts and behaviors. If a relationship fails or falls apart, we had something to do with it at some level. We may not be able to fully develop meaningful relationships with others at times in our lives. At these points, we have the responsibility to self-reflect and figure out why. Most importantly it’s about self-reflection and taking a deep hard look at ourselves and not the other person. This is how we cultivate stronger relationships. Not pointing the finger at others but reflecting on self.

Conclusion is a website that is designed to help us become the best version of ourselves by serving others. Furthermore, it’s intended to help us take a hard look at our responsibilities in every situation in our lives. This is a profound task and has many different layers.

Even though working with each other to Develop Meaningful Relationships is complex work, I’m convinced it becomes easier when you look through the lens of the Foundation. We must always Seek Clarity, use Mindfulness, constantly Creating Conditions, continuously Instilling Hope, and do our best at Minimizing Harm.

If you like what you have read, check out other articles on the website the site is designed to give us tools and techniques to help us become the best version of ourselves. There are tons of short articles and four main categories on the site. The Foundation, Our Responsibility to Us, Our Responsibility to Others and Facilitating Crisis.

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