There are many reasons to learn how to manage crises in our lives. Problems come in many different shapes and forms. Crisis Management is a catch-all phrase to help us understand policies and procedures when trouble arises. It’s great to understand all the policies and procedures but there is much more to this concept. is a website to help us become the best version of ourselves. When we are discussing crisis management our response is a reflection of who we are. Getting people to respond to crises is where we should be focusing our attention. Our approach is everything. We could have all the answers to policies and procedures but if we can’t communicate effectively with others we have failed.

On this website, there is a series of 5 different articles about the Facilitation of Crisis. I choose this phrase because facilitation is about looking at the processes in front of us and helping people move forward. Facilitation is about being able to step back from the situation and look for ways to improve the current events taking place.

Facilitation takes Mindfulness, Clarity, Creating Conditions, and Instilling Hope.

There are many elements of facilitating a crisis. In my 20+ years in the helping field, facilitating crisis comes down to this. The foundation I have come to adopt because of its effectiveness boils down to 4 profound concepts. Mindfulness, Clarity, Creating Conditions, and Instilling Hope. I have more in-depth articles on the website but the following gives you a quick look into each of them.


When discussing mindfulness: I’m talking about the following: Considering the possibilities of what you are thinking at the moment is a misdiagnosis of the profound conditions in front of you. Mindfulness helps you non-judgmentally adapt to whatever is going on.  


When discussing Clarity: In life whenever you have doubt, tension, frustrations, uneasiness, and so on, always go back to clarity. Seeking clarity and asking questions helps us to develop competence in what is happening. Once we have competence, we begin to gain true compassion. Compassion allows us to make decisions that minimize harm.

Creating Conditions

When discussing Creating Conditions: Continually learning, adapting, and seeking deeper understanding that everything you think and do, has a profound impact on those in your life at that moment. We create conditions all the time every waking second of every day. Moreover, the conditions we create send messages to those around us. Conditions can be good, bad, or neutral. We are typically judged by the conditions we create.

Instilling Hope

When discussing instilling hope: Looking through a lens of profound understanding and infinite compassion: being the guiding light for others that shines “Life will get better for you.”

Putting it all together

Facilitating crisis is inevitable we are likely to run across it from time to time in both our personal and professional lives. Our reaction is everything. We have two options. we can add to the crisis and do more harm or we can begin to Think Deeply Self-Critically.  Adopting a new lens to filter the present moment is vital to solving conflict. Gaining a deeply profound understanding of Mindfulness, Clarity, Creating Conditions, and Instilling Hope can change the outcome significantly.

If you like what you are reading and want to learn more about crisis facilitation, I encourage you to check out the series on Facilitating Crisis. The articles cover a ton of techniques and methods you can try. Side note:  it’s important to understand we owe it to people to keep trying different techniques if we see something isn’t working. Furthermore, trying multiple techniques in a crisis helps build credibility and character. It also creates new healthier conditions.  

I hope you enjoy this article. Thank you for your time. Never stop becoming the best version of yourself and helping others! Check out other articles on the website the site is designed to give us tools and techniques to help us become the best version of ourselves. There are four main categories on the site. The Foundation, Our Responsibility to Us, Our Responsibility to Others and Facilitating Crisis.

Here is an article from an external source that you may also find helpful it’s over Crisis Fatigue – How to Manage Mental Exhaustion.

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