7 reasons why building momentum cultivates change 

There are many reasons building momentum is vital to change. We typically don’t wake up one day and make a new change in our life that is sustainable. Change is a progressed pattern of evolved thinking and actions. Additionally, there are a vast number of small steps involved in the course and development of the transformation we are trying to attain. Change itself isn’t easily reached and I’m certain if you have ever tried to change a behavior or a thought you know exactly what I am talking about. In all honesty, change can be downright discouraging at times. 

Now I’m not saying I have a magical answer how to change. Let alone, a fool proof way to make it happen in your life. What I have is experience seeing thousands of clients over the lifetime of my career make changes. I have seen successes with people changing behaviors and their lives. In addition, I have seen change in my own life. I’m not going to talk about the Neuroscience, complex interactions amongst brain circuits, environmental or personal life experiences that cultivate change (which are all fascinating).  I’m going to discuss momentum and why it’s vital to change. Furthermore, I want to discuss momentum and change as it refers to becoming the best version of us. Lastly, how we use it to cultivate and maintain meaningful relationships in our lives.  

 1 Momentum is a process and a cluster of little wins. 

Building momentum is completing a multitude of small steps which eventually equals the result. Imagine making or putting something together. There is a process to which you need to follow. If you have directions the process is much easier. If you don’t have directions, then the process is much harder. Typically, a process is steps you take and each little step gets you closer to the end. This is no different with changing thinking and behaviors. Sometimes when processes aren’t clear we have to do our research to find out what works for us. Figuring out what process works for us is vital to change. 

2 You can take your time there is no hurry building momentum. 

As humans we often have a problem with immediate gratification. This is one of those thoughts and beliefs that are counter production to us being successful. Furthermore, it will take us off track from reaching our goals in a heartbeat. Keep in mind that change is a progressive pattern of effort not an instant result of doing nothing. Therefore, it’s important to figure out what works for us. If we can take our time figuring this out and make changes as needed it will significantly help us make the difference. So just slow down, think and figure out what will work. If something doesn’t work move on or modify what you’re doing. 

3 Your momentum and change impacts other in a positive way  

Momentum doesn’t only mean a win for us. When we change something in our lives for the good those transformations also impact those around us. When we consider making changes in our lives considering how our actions impact other (we should always do this regardless of change). When we change parts of our lives for the good, we can make a profound impact on those around us. Weather it’s a change that impacts our physical, mental, spiritual, financial health or whatever. Sometimes we can see this profound impact other time. However, it’s usually not we can’t right away. Building momentum defiantly creates a ripple for those around us. 

4 Momentum and change helps build meaningful relationships 

Positive change typically contributes to the cultivation of more meaningful relationships. As humans we tend to gravitate toward what is good, more appealing or safe. Over time the momentum we begin to build will help others change as well. Subsequently they will start to see more sustainable change in us which helps them attach to us in a more positive light. In fact, our change can have an influence on others and help them see not only our change but the possibilities that come with it. Momentum allows us to talk with other about what we are doing with our own process.  This talking brings about more depth to conversations as a result creates a more meaningful conversations and ultimately amore meaning to the relationship just by the nature of it.  

5 Momentum helps promote a positive mindset 

I would say most of us have attempted to make changes in our lives at one time or another. At the beginning change feels good and empowering. As we get into the change it may have less of the feel-good or empowering sensation. Above all, if we can look at momentum as a bunch of small accomplishments that feel-good sensation will last longer. No matter how small the step is it’s vital to our result we are achieving. Every small step is progress. If we can look through the lens that momentum is a ton of small accomplishments, we can change our mindset and the duration of our fight.  

6 Building momentum brings clarity to the big picture  

As we move forward with our dedication to change the bigger picture becomes clearer. Additionally, we may never know or understand the depth of our change at the beginning. However, as momentum builds a much fuller picture will come into view. We will begin to see the benefits of momentum on a much more profound level. As we progress forward and are open minded clarity becomes inevitable and change starts to become more realistic. If you would like further information about the importance of clarity, check out this link. 

7 Momentum creates new conditions in our life 

Change is about letting go of the past behaviors and allowing the new shine through. New behaviors create new conditions in our lives. Furthermore, behavior change by momentum can set us up for future changes in our lives. We can learn so much from slowing down and allowing momentum to be built. It will make us stronger, and it will allow us to overcome upcoming challenges more easily. If you would like a deeper understanding of creating conditions, please check out this link.

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Well, the bottom line is that momentum is a vital piece of the change process. We need to look at each small step we take as a win to the end result. With momentum we can take our time it doesn’t have to be a fast process. Additionally, our momentum has a definite impact on us and those around us in a positive way. It helps us build meaningful relationships and cultivates a positive mindset. Momentum gives us clarity which helps us see the big picture. Lastly momentum creates new conditions and new behaviors in our lives that are much healthier for us and those around us.

We can come closer to momentum when we focus on the Foundations of Thinking Deeply Self-Critically which are Instilling Hope, Clarity, Creating Conditions and Mindfulness. Having momentum in our lives will bring us closer to the best version of us and it will have a positive impact on those in our lives in ways we never thought possible.

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If you like what you have read, check out other articles on the website ThinkingDeeplySelf-Critically.com the site is designed to give us tools and techniques to help us become the best version of ourselves. There are four main categories on the site. The Foundation, Our Responsibility to Us, Our Responsibility to Others and Facilitating Crisis. We can also be found on Pinterest.

Recommended Book: Good to Great is more about a business model of how companies move from a good company to a great one. There is a ton of useful information in this book about what it takes to be great. One of the points is about the importance of building momentum which is why I recommend it for this article.

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